4 Reasons You Should Buy Fair Trade Organic Coffee

Most people enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning. The aroma, taste, and the pleasure of good coffee is often irresistible. So what makes a good cup of coffee? We all know there are so many options….shade grown, Peruvian vs. Guatemalan, organic vs non organic, fair trade, etc. What do you choose? Well here are 4 reasons to drink only fair trade organic coffee.

1. Fresh Taste
It taste better! Quality coffee beans are grown on in small-scale organic farms. Gainesville is lucky to have Sweetwater Organic Coffee, a local roaster of fair trade organic coffee available at Alternatives Global Marketplace and around town. They roast certified USDA Organic, high altitude & shade grown, specialty-grade Arabic coffee roasted in to-order micro-batches. That means fresh!

2. Support Local Roasters in Your Community
Sweetwater Organic Coffee is locally owned and operated. They belong to a cooperative of small roasters around the US that buy coffee from small-scale coffee farmer cooperatives around the world. This cooperative is a member of the Fair Trade Federation.

3. Support Fair Wages
Fair Trade coffee is grown on locally owned farms where workers and organizations involved in the production process receive a fair wage. Child labor is not allowed, and all workers must be able to work in safe healthy conditions. The farmers involved are part of an organized co-op, who all democratically make decisions involving pricing and profits for their collective harvests. Learn more about Sweetwater Organic Coffee’s coffee growing cooperative partners!

4. Save the Earth and the Farmers
Did you know that a farm worker's average life expectancy is 49 years --compared to 73 years for the average American? Workers in non-organic farms in the US and throughout the coffee growing regions of the world are exposed to harmful toxic agrochemicals, pesticides, and other chemical additives over long periods of time. These chemicals are linked to a multitude of health problems.

Organic coffee production grown in small shade-covered fields reduces water and soil pollution while providing a safe haven for migratory birds, and many other animals. Studies have found that habitat on shade-grown coffee farms show an increase in numbers and species of birds and other animals as well as improved habitat, soil protection/erosion control, natural pest control, and pollination¹.

Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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